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  3. Apprenticeship ambassador network
  4. What is the Apprenticeship Ambassador Network?

What is the Apprenticeship Ambassador Network?

The Apprenticeship Ambassador Network (AAN) is a network made up of employers and current and former apprentices. Ambassadors volunteer their time to inspire and motivate the apprentices of tomorrow.

The apprentice ambassador role

Apprentice ambassadors support a variety of events and activities that aim to share their experience as an apprentice to inspire and inform future apprentices in making informed career choices.

The role includes: 

  • in person and online presentations at local schools or colleges 
  • attending and speaking to people at career events 
  • supporting mock assessment centre workshops 
  • participating in social media campaigns 
  • sharing experiences using blogs, videos, and formal case studies 

Ambassadors are invited to take part in various projects and campaigns. Previous members have presented at awards ceremonies, spoken in the House of Commons, attended high profile events and more. 

As an apprentice ambassador, you will boost your professional and personal skills, build your network, access fantastic training and development resources and more.

The employer ambassador role 

Employer ambassadors support and influence a range of key stakeholders. These stakeholders include schools, colleges, local enterprise partnerships, employers and their supply chains, trade associations and employment bodies. 

They champion and support marketing, publicity and events to raise awareness of apprenticeships and mentor other ambassadors. 

The role includes: 

  • meeting other employer ambassadors and growing your network 
  • sharing your knowledge, experience and best practice 
  • being a role model and providing support to other ambassadors 
  • championing the delivery of apprenticeships within your networks 

As an employer ambassador, you will benefit from engaging with other businesses, boosting your company profile, help with apprenticeships and more. 

Before you join 

Before joining, you’ll need to make sure you’ll be able to regularly give time to meet your ambassador responsibilities. If you are an apprentice, you’ll need to gain your manager’s permission. 

Review the AAN code of conduct.

How much time is involved? 

By signing up to become an apprentice ambassador, you agree to: 

  • be a member for at least 1 year
  • volunteer approximately half a day per month or 6 events or activities per year

How to join

Find out more about becoming an ambassador on our dedicated apprentice ambassador and employer ambassador pages. 


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