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Cyber Security Technician or Digital Support Technician

Digital skills are in high demand across almost all industries, so a digital apprenticeship could take you anywhere and is likely to have excellent long-term prospects. You don't need to be an expert already, an apprenticeship will teach you the skills you need for jobs now and in the future. And as these roles are collaborative and creative, you are likely to find this an enjoyable and fulfilling career path.

Digital support and cyber security technicians use their skills to help their organisation with a problem or goal, usually as part of a team. You might be helping to roll out a new piece of software or stopping hackers from accessing confidential company information. Jobs in digital are exciting and you’ll often be doing innovative and cutting-edge work.

Typical digital support technician tasks include:

  • supporting digital system users
  • finding solutions to problems with hardware and software
  • training colleagues to use digital tools
  • recommending new digital technologies to help your organisation

After completion, you may move on to a level 4 applications support lead apprenticeship.

Typical cyber security technician tasks include:

  • identifying security threats
  • applying controls and procedures to stop a security threat
  • processing security requests
  • managing confidential information

After completion, you may move on to a level 4 cyber security analyst apprenticeship.

Apprenticeship duration: approx. 15 to 18 months

Salary expectations: starting salary can be up to £24k

Find out more about cyber security technician or digital support technician apprenticeships

Where could you work?

Anywhere! Digital jobs are found around the country in business, health, finance, retail, broadcasting, manufacturing and every other industry. Jobs are often flexible with opportunities for travel.

"Our apprentices never cease to amaze us with their can-do attitude.Helping to create an environment of continuous learning and development both for themselves and the business. They are the future of our industry!"

- LEAP Apprenticeships, powered by Travis Perkins PLC

Meet some apprentices

Meet Tamzin, a cyber security apprentice working towards becoming a chief technical officer.

Meet Ruby, a digital support apprentice whois progressing in her career, not just passing exams.

Meet Michael, a digital support apprentice who is gaining skills and confidence.

Further information

View the latest apprenticeship vacancies based on your interest and location with details of how to apply.


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