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  3. How do they work?

How do they work?

Find out what to expect and the application process.

How do they work?

About apprenticeships

As an apprentice, you'll combine real work with training and study. Discover more in about apprenticeships.

About apprenticeships
How do they work?

The interview process

If your application is successful, the employer will invite you for an interview. If you’re upskilling with your current employer, you may not have one.

The interview process

Browse apprenticeships

Search to browse apprenticeships based on interest and location.

Browse apprenticeships
How do they work?

Apprentice training

As an apprentice, you'll receive regular training to help you gain the knowledge and skills needed for the job you're training for.

Apprentice training
How do they work?

Understanding end-point assessments (EPA)

Find out what an EPA is and how you'll be assessed during your apprenticeship.

Understanding end-point assessments (EPA)