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Off-the-job (OTJ) training: what you need to know

As an apprentice, you’ll receive training to help you gain the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) needed to be competent in your job. This is called OTJ training.

Key facts about OTJ training

Your training provider and employer organise your OTJ training, which can take place over: 

  • one full day a week 
  • multiple part days in a week 
  • as a block release, for example you might train for one week out of every four weeks 

Full-time apprentices should do a minimum of six hours OTJ training a week. Part-time apprentices OTJ training hours may vary but should make up at least 20% of their working hours. OTJ training should take place during your regular working hours. If it takes place outside of these hours, you must be able to take time off at a later date.

OTJ training can take place in different locations, including your: 

  • college 
  • university 
  • place of work 
  • training provider’s premises 

OTJ training must help you learn new skills that are directly relevant to the KSBs needed for your apprenticeship. Your training could include: 

  • lectures 
  • role playing and simulation exercises 
  • online learning 
  • practical training such as shadowing and mentoring 
  • time spent on writing assignments and projects 

Your OTJ training should have been agreed with you during your initial assessment and documented in your training plan.

How to record OTJ training 

Recording OTJ training can vary, based on your: 

  • apprenticeship 
  • industry 
  • training provider 
  • specific training goals 

Here are some tips to help you record your OTJ training:

Keep a detailed calendar: record dates, times, locations, and details of every training session you have. This will help you stay organised and provide accurate information when needed.

Capture key information: for each training session, you may want to note: 

  • date and time of the session 
  • name of the training provider or organisation 
  • description of the topics or skills covered 
  • any assessments or tasks completed

Attendance records: make sure you have proof of your attendance. This could be through: 

  • date and time of the session 
  • sign-in sheets 
  • digital check-ins 
  • any other method used by your training provider

Learning journal or portfolio: think about starting a learning journal or portfolio. You can use this to jot down your thoughts, reflections, and insights from each training session. It's a valuable way to show your personal growth beyond just attendance and assessments.

Embrace digital tools: if your training uses online platforms or software, take advantage of them. These tools can streamline the recording process and make it easier for you to track your progress.

Regular reviews: go over your notes. Are you meeting your learning goals? Could you do something differently to improve your learning experience?

Get feedback: remember to ask your trainers for feedback on your progress. You can gain valuable insights into your strengths, and where you could improve.

Keep communication open: stay in touch with your employer and training provider. If you have any questions about recording your OTJ training, ask them for help. Recording your OTJ training is important. It shows what you’ve learnt during your apprenticeship and will help with your end-point assessment.

Concerned about OTJ training?

If you’re not receiving the OTJ training agreed, talk to your employer about this. Your line manager should be able to help you raise any concerns you may have with your training provider. If you can’t resolve this issue, you can make a formal complaint. Follow your training provider’s complaints process, which should be published on their website.

You can also talk to your training provider if your employer isn’t giving you time to do your OTJ training during regular working hours. Your training provider should support you and make sure you’re aware of how to raise any issues, concerns or complaints.

You can find more detailed guidance in apprenticeships: OTJ training.


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