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  4. Understanding end-point assessments (EPA)

Understanding end-point assessments (EPA)

An EPA takes place at the end of an apprenticeship and tests the knowledge and skills you’ll have learnt as an apprentice. 

What does an EPA involve? 

An EPA can vary depending on the apprenticeship but could include: 

  • a practical test of the skills learnt during an apprenticeship 
  • a presentation 
  • an interview 
  • written or multiple-choice tests 
  • workplace observation 

An EPA can also include tasks that aren’t listed above. You can find out more about EPAs in apprentice guide to assessment.

Why is an EPA important?

Passing an EPA proves an apprentice has gained the knowledge and skills they need for the job they’ve trained for. If you don’t pass an EPA you’ll be able to resit the parts you need to pass, or retake the whole assessment. You can learn more in apprenticeship resits for EPAs

Who assesses apprentices?

EPAs are carried out by an end-point assessment organisation (EPAO) chosen by the apprentice’s employer or training provider. This makes sure that the assessment is both independent and impartial. Apprentices are assessed on the knowledge and skills they will have learnt on their apprenticeship.

Degree apprenticeships

With most degree apprenticeships the EPA and degree are completed, passed and awarded together. An independent assessor who works in or knows the industry you’ll be training for will also be part of the EPA. There are some degree apprenticeships where an EPA isn’t integrated. You can read more about degree apprenticeships on the IfATE website

What happens after passing an EPA?

When an apprentice passes an EPA they will have completed their apprenticeship. You’ll receive a certificate to confirm this. If you complete a degree apprenticeship you may also be awarded a formal qualification, for example a bachelor’s or master’s degree.


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